1. Ellen Berger Rainville, MS, OTR, FAOTA, is Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy, Springfield College, 263 Alden Street, Springfield, Massachusetts 01109, and Doctoral Student, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
2. Sharon A. Cermak, EdD, OTR, FAOTA, is Professor of Occupational Therapy, Sargent College, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
3. Elizabeth A. Murray, ScD, OTR, FAOTA, is Clinical Specialist, CAST, Inc., Peabody, Massachusetts, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy, Sargent College, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. At the time of this study, she was Adjunct Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy, Sargent College, Boston University, and Assistant Director of Occupational Therapy, Shriver Cente