1. Gary M. Bedell, PhD, OT, is Assistant Professor, Tufts University, Department of Occupational Therapy, 26 Winthrop Street, Medford, Massachusetts 02155; gary.bedell@tufts.edu. At the time of this study, Dr. Bedell was Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Rehabilitation Effectiveness, Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
2. Ellen S. Cohn, ScD, OTR, FAOTA, is Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Programs in Occupational Therapy, Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
3. Helene M. Dumas, MA, PT, is Manager, The Research Center for Children With Special Health Care Needs, Franciscan Children’s Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, Boston, Massachusetts