Iqueda Adriana Pereira Defina,Ricz Hilton,Takeshita Telma Kioko,Reis Nathalia dos,Aguiar-Ricz Lilian
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to determine the rates of nasalance for total laryngectomized users of a tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis and correlate them with the findings of auditory-perceptual assessment of nasality. METHODS: In this study, 25 total laryngectomized users, including 20 men and five women, with a mean age of 63 years old participated. All the participants had a tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis and underwent treatment for the rehabilitation of tracheoesophageal communication. These patients were submitted to nasalance assessment using nasometry and auditory-perceptual evaluation of nasality and were rated by trained speech therapists. RESULTS: The nasalance values obtained for nasal (59.92%) and oral (18.64%) sentences were within the normal limits for laryngeal speakers of Brazilian Portuguese language. It was possible to observe the presence of nasality in nasal sentences and its absence in oral sentences among most speakers. Specificity was found to be 100% for nasal sentences and sensitivity was 100% for oral sentences. It was not possible to calculate these values for the oral sentences. CONCLUSIONS: Total laryngectomized patients with tracheoesophageal voice prostheses have adequate vocal nasality compatible with nasometry rates.
Speech and Hearing,Otorhinolaryngology,Language and Linguistics
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