Mental health of nursing in coping with COVID-19 at a regional university hospital


Dal’Bosco Eduardo Bassani1ORCID,Floriano Lara Simone Messias2ORCID,Skupien Suellen Vienscoski2ORCID,Arcaro Guilherme1ORCID,Martins Alessandra Rodrigues2ORCID,Anselmo Aline Cristina Correa1ORCID


1. Hospital Universitário Regional dos Campos Gerais, Brazil

2. Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brazil


ABSTRACT Objective: to identify prevalence and factors associated with anxiety and depression in nursing professionals who work to cope with COVID-19 at a university hospital. Methods: a cross-sectional observational study using a sociodemographic questionnaire and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, with 88 nursing professionals. Data were analyzed using absolute and relative frequency and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Results: there was prevalence of anxiety (48.9%) and depression (25%). The majority of the sample consisted of women over 40 years old, married or in a common-law marriage, white, with higher education or graduate degree, with an income above 3,000.00 reais, public servants, working 40 hours a week and working in the hospital from 1 to 5 years. Conclusion: we must consider the impact on mental health nursing caused by COVID-19 and intervene with coping strategies to minimize the suffering of professionals.




General Nursing

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