Gender, psychosocial stressors, wellbeing and coping in prehospital care workers


Libardi Mônica Beatriz Ortolan1ORCID,Arrais Alessandra da Rocha1ORCID,Antloga Carla Sabrina Xavier2ORCID,Faiad Cristiane2ORCID,Rodrigues Carlos Manoel Lopes2ORCID,Barros Ângela Ferreira1ORCID


1. Fundação de Ensino e Pesquisa em Ciências da Saúde, Brazil

2. Universidade de Brasília, Brazil


ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the profile of psychosocial stressors, wellbeing at work and coping in prehospital care workers and its distinctions in relation to gender. Methods: cross-sectional quantitative study with workers from public prehospital care. A sociodemographic instrument, the Psychosocial Stressors in the Labor Context Scale, the Inventory of Welfare at Work and the Occupational Coping Scale, were applied. Results: In a sample of 585 workers, women had greater role overload (p=0.002), career insecurity (p<0.001), lack of autonomy (p=0.03) and work- family conflict (p<0.001) compared to men. Men showed greater commitment and satisfaction at work than women (p<0.001). The other factors and dimensions showed no statistically significant difference according to gender. Conclusion: Women were more affected by psychosocial stressors, which probably reduced their wellbeing at work. This was possibly because they experienced a different social context from men.




General Nursing

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