Onkológiai betegek szoros képalkotó követése – előny vagy hátrány?


Deme Dániel1,Telekes András12


1. Onkológiai Osztály, Szent Lázár Megyei Kórház Salgótarján, Füleki út 54–56., 3100

2. Onkológiai Osztály, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Kórház Budapest


The International Commission on Radiological Protection estimates, that 100 mSv exposure of radiation increases cancer risk by 0.5%. The central hypothesis of the Linear No Threshold model is that low dose ionizing radiation can induce carcinogenesis through the so called “one hit action”, that is one or more deoxyribonucleic acid strands can be broken by the hit of only one electron particule. Regardless of the radiation dose, radiation exposure increases cancer risk. In the United States of America, one-third of computed tomographic scans are carried with no clear clinical indication, i.e. non radiating imaging can be applied with equal sensitivity and specificity. Furthermore, computed tomographic scans are repeated unnecessarily. Although technical improvements have reduced the concern of the potential danger of radiation exposure, the cumulative aspects and cancer risk should always be considered. Cancer risk, accompanied by ionizing radiation, should be minimized during the follow up of oncologic patients. It is mandatory, that all diagnostic tools which are not using ionizing radiation should be made widely accessable (eg. whole body diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging). Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(39), 1538–1545.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine

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