Szívinfarktust túlélt betegek terápiahűsége a másodlagos megelőzés szempontjából fontos gyógyszeres kezelésekhez


Jánosi András1,Ofner Péter1,Kiss Zoltán2,Kiss Levente3,Kiss Róbert Gábor4,Dinnyés József5,Járai Zoltán6,Nagy Gergely7,Veress Gábor8,Ferenci Tamás9


1. Gottsegen György Országos Kardiológiai Intézet Budapest, Haller utca 29., 1096

2. II. Belgyógyászati Klinika és Nefrológiai Központ, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Pécs

3. Kazincbarcikai Kórház Nonprofit Kft. Kazincbarcika

4. Honvédkórház, Magyar Honvédség Egészségügyi Központ Budapest

5. Vaszary Kolos Kórház Esztergom

6. Szent Imre Egyetemi Oktatókórház Budapest

7. Egyetemi Oktatókórház, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Kórház Miskolc

8. Állami Szívkórház Balatonfüred

9. Neumann János Informatikai Tanszék, Élettani Szabályozások Csoport, Óbudai Egyetem Budapest


Abstract: Introduction and aim: The aim was to study the patients’ adherence to some evidence-based medication (statins, beta blockers, platelet and RAS inhibitors) after suffering a myocardial infarction, and its impact on the outcome. Method: Retrospective observational cohort study was carried out from the data of the Hungarian Myocardial Infarction Registry between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2014. 14,843 patients were alive at the end of hospital treatment, from them, those who had no myocardial infarction or death until 180 days were followed for one year. The adherence was defined as the proportion of time from the index event to the endpoint (or censoring) covered with prescription fillings. The endpoint was defined as death or reinfarction. Information on filling prescriptions for statins, platelet aggregation inhibitors, beta blockers and ARB/ACEI-inhibitors were obtained. Multivariate regression was used to model adherence and survival time. Results: Good adherence (\>80%) to clopidogrel, statins, beta blockers, aspirin and ARB/ACEI was found in 64.9%, 54.4%, 36.5%, 31.7% and 64.0%, respectively. Patients treated with PCI during the index hospitalization had higher adherence to all medication (all p<0.01), except for beta-blocker (p = 0.484). Multivariate analysis confirmed that adherence to statins, to clopidogrel and ARB/ACEI-inhibitors was associated with 10.1% (p<0.0001), 10.4% (p = 0.0002) and 15.8% (p<0.0001) lower hazard of endpoint respectively for 25% points increase in adherence, controlling for age, sex, performing of PCI, 5 anamnestic data and date of index event. Adherence to aspirin and beta blockers was not significantly associated with the hazard. Conclusion: Higher adherence to some evidence-based medications was found to be associated with improved long term prognosis of the patients. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(27): 1051–1057.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine

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