Az angiotenzinkonvertálóenzim-gátló/kalciumcsatorna-blokkoló fix gyógyszer-kombinációk egyéves perzisztenciája hypertoniában


Simonyi Gábor1,Ferenci Tamás2,Finta Ervin3,Igaz Iván4,Balogh Sándor5,Gasparics Roland1,Medvegy Mihály6


1. Anyagcsere Központ, Szent Imre Egyetemi Oktatókórház Budapest, Tétényi út 12–16., 1115

2. Élettani Szabályozások Csoport, Óbudai Egyetem, Neumann János Informatikai Kar Budapest

3. Kiemelt Hotelszolgálat I., Szent Imre Egyetemi Oktatókórház Budapest

4. Gastroenterologiai Profil, Szent Imre Egyetemi Oktatókórház Budapest

5. Alapellátási Intézet, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Pécs

6. III. Belgyógyászat-Kardiológiai Osztály, Pest Megyei Flór Ferenc Kórház Kistarcsa


Abstract: Introduction: The most recent European guidelines for the treatment of hypertension suggest the use of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system antagonists (RAAS inhibitors) and calcium channel blockers (CCBs) or diuretics fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) as the first therapeutic option. In antihypertensive therapy, the patient’s adherence is one of the most important factors in reducing unwanted cardiovascular events. Aim: Our aim was to assess the one-year persistence of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) and CCB FDCs in hypertensive patients. Method: Authors have analysed the prescription database of the National Health Insurance Fund in Hungary on pharmacy claims between October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013. Those patients were identified who filled prescriptions for FDCs of ACEI and CCBs prescribed for the first time for hypertensive patients and who had not received similar drugs during the year before. Apparatus of survival analysis was used, where ‘survival’ was the time to abandon the medication. Results: 124 388 patients met the inclusion criteria. One-year persistence rate and hazard ratio (HR) of discontinuation in patients with ramipril/amlodipine FDC was 54% (HR = 1.00, reference), perindopril/amlodipine 47% (HR = 1.30, p<0.0001), lisinopril/amlodipine 36% (HR = 1.79, p<0.0001), ramipril/felodipine 26% (HR = 2.28, p<0.0001) and trandolapril/verapamil 12% (HR = 4.13, p<0.0001). The average survival time of drug limited to 360 days was 270.2 days for ramipril/amlodipine FDC, 242.7 days for perindopril/amlodipine FDC, 211.2 days for lisinopril/amlodipine FDC, 186.3 days for ramipril/felodipine FDC and 125.7 days for trandolapril/verapamil FDC. Conclusions: The authors demonstrated that the one-year persistence of ACEI/CCB FDCs was significantly different in hypertensive patients. Ramipril/amlodipine FDC was more advantageous for patient adherence. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(9): 343–348.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine

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