A bélmikrobiom, a metabolikus betegségek és a hypertonia kapcsolatának irodalmi áttekintése


Barna István1,Nyúl Dóra2,Szentes Tamás3,Schwab Richárd2


1. I. Belgyógyászati Klinika, Semmelweis Egyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar, Budapest, Korányi S. u. 2/A, 1083

2. DVS Kft. Budapest

3. ÁNTSZ Országos Tisztifőorvosi Hivatal Budapest


Abstract: Gut flora has personal characteristics for each individual, similar to the fingerprints, consisting of a special mixture of bacterial species living in the intestines, now referred to as the gut microbiome. There is a strong correlation between the loss of microbial diversity and the functional bowel disorders, obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease as well as many autoimmune disorders. With genetic testing of stool diversity of the gut microbiome and exact analysis of the species and phylogenetic classification of the gut flora, the changes of diversity can be identified and the overgrowth of some bacteria can be revealed. In cases with pre- and manifest hypertension, an overgrowth of species from the phylum Firmicutes has been reported along with the relative decline of the phylum Bacteroidetes as opposed with cases of normotension. At the same time, the physiological balance among bacterial families was lost. According to the first studies, there is a correlation between hypertension and the lost balance of the gut microflora, both in animal experiments and in the human clinical setting. This evidence also suggests that targeted dietary alteration of the gut microbiome can be a new innovative approach in the treatment of hypertension. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(9): 346–351.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine

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