1. Anon. Soil suitability for earthworking—use of the moisture condition apparatus. Technical Memorandum SH7/83 1983. Scottish Development Department, Edinburgh.
2. Anon. The use and application of the moisture condition apparatus in testing soil suitability for earthworking. SDD Applications Guide No 1 1989. Scottish Development Department, Edinburgh.
3. Anon. HA44/91: Earthworks—design and preparation of contract documents, incorporating Amendment No. 1, April 1995. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, DMRB 4.1.1 (November 2003) 1991. The Stationery Office, London.
4. Simulation model of the water balance of a cropped soil: SWATRE
5. The influence of genetic processes on some geotechnical properties of glacial tills