1. 18. Schankula J.J. , Development of Ultrasonic Immersion Inspection Techniques for Spent Fuel Canisters, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Report, AECL-7752 (1982).
2. 15. Mathew P.M. , Nadeau J.S. , Weinberg F. , Chaklader A.C.D. and Nuttall K. , “Investment of Irradiated Reactor Fuel in a Metal Matrix”, to be published in Canadian Metall. Quarterly.
3. Mechanisms of hydrogen induced delayed cracking in hydride forming materials
4. 12. McKay P. , Nuttall K. and Mitton D.B. , “Assessing Corrosion of Nuclear Fuel Waste Containers”, Proceedings of International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management Winnipeg Sept. 12–15, 1982, to be published by Canadian Nuclear Society.
5. Some Aspects of the Prediction of Long-Term Performance of Fuel Disposal Containers