1. K. Nuttall, D. J. Cameron and F. P. Sargent, The Canadian engineered barriers program, Proc. Int. Conf. on Radioactive Waste Management, p.46 Canadian Nuclear Society (1982).
2. K. Nuttall, J. L. Crosthwaite, P. McKay, P. M. Mathew, B. Teper, P. Y. Y. Maak and M. D. C. Moles, The Canadian container development program for fuel isolation, Annual Meeting of Materials Research Society, Boston (1982).
3. Investment of Irradiated Reactor Fuel in a Metal Matrix
4. P. M. Mathew, Metal Matrix Development Work, Proc. 19th Information meeting of the Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Manage-ment Program, Toronto, 1985. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Technical Record, TR-350* (1986).
5. K. Nuttall and V. F. Urbanic, An assessment of materials for nuclear fuel immobilization containers, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Report, AECL-6440 (1981).