1. 10 Custer J.S. , Thompson M.O. , Poate J.M. , Jacobson D.C. , Roorda S. , Sinke W.C. and Spaepen F. , These Proceedings.
2. Point Defects in Solids
3. 11 Roorda S. , Poate J.M , Jacobson D.C. , Fuoss P. , Dennis B.S. , Dierker S. , Sinke W.C. and Spaepen F. , These Proceedings.
4. Vibrational properties of amorphous Si and Ge
5. 9 Roorda S. , Poate J.M. , Jacobson D.C. , Eaglesham D.J. , Dennis B.S. , Sinke W.C. and Spaepen F. , submitted, and: S. Roorda, J.M. Poate, D.C. Jacobson, B.S. Dennis, S. Dierker and W.C. Sinke, submitted.