The Effect of the Excavation Damaged Zone Adjacent to the Walls of Deposition Holes on the Migration of Radionuclides


Autio J.,Hautojärvi A.,Salo J-P.


ABSTRACTThe excavation damaged rock zone (EDZ) adjacent to the surface of deposition holes in a nuclear waste repository has been considered to be a potential pathway for the flow of water and the migration of radionuclides diffusing out of a waste canister via the bentonite barrier. The properties of the excavation-damaged rock zone adjacent to the surface of experimental deposition holes in the Research Tunnel at Olkiluoto on the southwest coast of Finland have been measured and are used in this study to evaluate the effect of the excavation damaged rock zone on the transport of radionuclides escaping from a waste canister. Since the hydraulic conductivity of compacted bentonite is low, the predominant mode of migration of nuclides through such material will be diffusion. The effect of the excavation-damaged rock zone on the transport of radionuclides was analyzed by comparing two different cases: 1) diffusion through the bentonite and 2) transport through the excavation damaged rock zone by the processes of advection and diffusion. According to this study, hydraulic gradients three orders of magnitude higher than those estimated to currently exist would be required to achieve the transfer of significant quantities of non-sorbing neutral nuclides through the excavation-damaged rock zone. According to this evaluation, the excavation damaged rock zone is unlikely to be a significant migration route in normal cases in the absence of large hydraulic gradients.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Engineering

Reference10 articles.

1. 2. Autio J. , Characterization of the excavation disturbance caused by boring of the experimental full scale deposition holes at TVO-Research Tunnel, Report POSIVA-96-09, Posiva Oy, 1996, Helsinki and similar report TR 97-24 in SKB's (Svensk Kärnbräslehantering AB) report series, 118 p.

2. Determination of the porosity, permeability and diffusivity of rock in the excavation-disturbed zone around full-scale deposition holes using the -PMMA and He-gas methods

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