Investigation of Coolant Local Hydrodynamics in the Mixed Core of the VVER Reactor


Dmitriev S. M.1,Gerasimov A. V.1,Dobrov A. A.1,Doronkov D. V.1,Pronin A. N.1,Ryazanov A. V.1,Solntsev D. N.1,Khrobostov A. E.1


1. Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R. E. Alekseev


The article presents the results of experimental studies of the local hydrodynamics of the coolant flow in the mixed core of the VVER reactor, consisting of the TVSA-T and TVSA-T mod.2 fuel assemblies. Modeling of the flow of the coolant flow in the fuel rod bundle was carried out on an aerodynamic test stand. The research was carried out on a model of a fragment of a mixed core of a VVER reactor consisting of one TVSA-T segment and two segments of the TVSA-T.mod2. The flow pressure fields were measured with a five-channel pneumometric probe. The flow pressure field was converted to the direction and value of the coolant velocity vector according to the dependencies obtained during calibration. To obtain a detailed data of the flow, a characteristic cross-section area of the model was selected, including the space cross flow between fuel assemblies and four rows of fuel rods of each of the TVSA fuel assemblies. In the framework of this study the analysis of the spatial distribution of the projections of the velocity of the coolant flow was fulfilled that has made it possible to pinpoint regularities that are intrinsic to the coolant flowing around spacing, mixing and combined spacing grates of the TVSA. Also, the values of the transverse flow of the coolant caused by the flow along hydraulically nonidentical grates were determined and their localization in the longitudinal and cross sections of the experimental model was revealed. Besides, the effect of accumulation of hydrodynamic flow disturbances in the longitudinal and cross sections of the model caused by the staggered arrangement of hydraulically non-identical grates was determined. The results of the study of the coolant cross flow between fuel assemblies interaction, i.e. between the adjacent TVSA-T and TVSA-T mod.2 fuel assemblies were adopted for practical use in the JSC of “Afrikantov OKB Mechanical Engineering” for assessing the heat engineering reliability of VVER reactor cores; also, they were included in the database for verification of computational hydrodynamics programs (CFD codes) and for detailed cell-based calculation of the reactor core.


Belarusian National Technical University


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Nuclear Energy and Engineering,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

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