he paper considers a possibility to apply gravity models for calculation of intercity passenger transport corres- pondences which are implemented with the help of public transport. The Ukraine transportation system has been selected as an object of investigation and this approach extends application possibilities of the obtained results. Calibration coefficients used in calculation of the indicated correspondences are rather important and significant in case of forecasting passenger transport correspondences. Formalization of these factors is necessary for every transportation system if a calculation of pas-senger transport correspondences has been made for it. In this case searching for actual calibration parameters and other coef-ficients as components of gravitational models is a relevant objective of the given paper. Selection of the gravity model va- riant plays rather significant role in solution of this problem. The developed methods for calculation of passenger transport correspondences are proposed for their application in respect of various transport and trip types. The executed research works have made it possible to investigate a process pertaining to providing of services for passenger transportation while using public routes. The obtained characteristics on functioning of the studied system have allowed to assess the possibility for ap-plication of the known methods for calculation of passenger correspondences and analyze the quality of their application. Calibration coefficients have been empirically selected for calculation of the indicated correspondences while using method of gravity modeling. Formalization of previously unexplored parameters of gravity model component provides the possibility to apply the considered approach for calculation of passenger correspondences within the framework of the investigated trans-portion system. This makes it possible to plan and arrange interaction of various transport types and provides new data and knowledge on the studied system.
Belarusian National Technical University
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6 articles.