Kim Heji,Mi Huynh Thi Ngoc,Ahn Joong-Hoon,Lee Jong Suk,Eser Bekir Engin,Choi Jongkeun,Han Jaehong
The Gfo/Idh/MocA family enzyme DgpA was known to catalyze the regiospecific oxidation of puerarin to 3”-oxo-puerarin in the presence of 3-oxo-glucose. Here, we discovered that D3dgpA, dgpA cloned from the human gut bacterium Dorea sp. MRG-IFC3, catalyzed the regiospecific oxidation of various C-/O-glycosides, including puerarin, in the presence of methyl β-D-3-oxo-glucopyranoside. While C-glycosides were converted to 3”- and 2”-oxo-products by D3dgpA, O-glycosides resulted in the formation of aglycones and hexose enediolone from the 3”-oxo-products. From DFT calculations, it was found that isomerization of 3”-oxo-puerarin to 2”-oxo-puerarin required a small activation energy of 9.86 kcal/mol, and the O-glycosidic bond cleavage of 3”-oxo-products was also thermodynamically favored with a small activation energy of 3.49 kcal/mol. In addition, the reaction mechanism of D3dgpA was discussed in comparison to those of Gfo/Idh/MocA and GMC family enzymes. The robust reactivity of D3dgpA was proposed as a new general route for derivatization of glycosides.
National Research Foundation of Korea