Blanco-Ríos Ana Karina,Medina-Juárez Luis Ángel,González-Aguilar Gustavo Adolfo,Gámez-Meza Nohemí
The content of phenols and ascorbic acid of the phenolic fraction, and carotenoids, tocopherols and capsaicinoids of the oily fraction from sweet bell peppers from northwest Mexico was determined. Antioxidant activity in both fractions was evaluated (ABTS and DPPH methods). Green cultivar had the highest content of phenols, flavonoids, and ascorbic acid and highest antioxidant activity. α-Tocopherolwas found in the four cultivars; however, capsaicinoids were not detected. The phenolic fraction had higher antioxidant activity than the oily fraction.
Sociedad Quimica de Mexico, A.C.