Sarich Steven,Haefner Josh
Schertz-Seguin Local Government Corporation (Client) is proposing to construct an 18-inch water main pipeline along the west side of State Highway (SH) Business 123 (Stockdale Highway/South Austin Street) crossing of the Guadalupe River in the City of Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas (Project). According to current design plans, the proposed water line would be connected to an existing pipeline located approximately 75 feet (ft) [23 meters (m)] north of the Guadalupe River near the existing Max Starke Park Water Treatment Plant and an existing main pipeline located approximately 75 ft (23 m) south of the Guadalupe River along SH 123 in Seguin, Texas. The Area of Potential Effects (APE) consists of two work areas, one north and one south of the Guadalupe River. The northern work area consists of 0.20 acres (ac) and the southern work area consists of 0.15 ac. The APE is 0.35 ac in total. The Project is within the City of Seguin, a subdivision of the state , and thus triggers a review of cultural resources under the Antiquities Code of Texas (Section 191.0525). Additionally, due to Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permitting requirements the Project falls under the regulations of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (U.S. Code 16, §470, et seq.). TRC archeologists conducted a limited desktop literature and archives review for the proposed Project to assess whether previously recorded cultural resources are within or adjacent to the APE or within a 1-mile (mi) (1.6-kilometer [km]) of the APE. This included a review of the THC’s Archeological and Historic Sites Atlas (Atlas) which provides information related to the location of previously conducted archeological surveys and recorded archeological sites, cemeteries, properties currently listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks (RTHLs), and State Antiquities Landmarks (SALs) that may be impacted by the proposed Project. According to the THC-Atlas, no previously conducted archeological surveys, archeological sites, cemeteries, historic properties, or historical markers intersect or are adjacent to the APE. Fieldwork was conducted by TRC archeologists on February 12, 2020 under Antiquities Permit Number 9263. The intensive archeological field survey included survey of 100 percent of the APE supplemented with shovel testing and visual inspection. Survey methods followed the guidelines and survey standards set forth by the THC and Council of Texas Archeologists (CTA). Review of the project plans showed that of the 155 m (509 ft) proposed water line only 27 m (89 ft) of the line to the north and 18 m (59 ft) of the line to the south will be buried with the remainder above ground and spanning the Austin Street bridge. Survey efforts were concentrated along the buried portions of the proposed water line. Due to the high degree of ground disturbance from existing utilities, bridge construction, and the presence of steep slope only a single shovel test could be excavated. Nine additional ‘No Dig’ observation points were recorded to document the areas of disturbance and slope. No cultural resources or historic structures were identified within the APE. No additional work is recommended.
R.W. Steen Library, SFASU
Reference49 articles.
1. Adovasio, J. M., J. Donahue, and R. Stuckenrath 1990 The Meadowcroft Rockshelter Chronology 1975-1990. American Antiquity 55:348- 354.
2. Alexander, H. J. 1963 The Levi site: a Paleo-Indian Campsite in Central Texas. American Antiquity 28:510- 528.
3. Alexander, H. J. 1982 The Pre-Clovis and Clovis Occupations at the Levi Site. In Peopling of the New World, edited by J. E. Ericson, R. E. Taylor and R. Berger, pp. 133-145. Los Altos, California, Ballena Press.
4. Bement, L. C. 1999 Bison Hunting at Cooper Site: Where Lighting Bolts Drew thundering Herds. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
5. Bement, L. C. and B. J. Carter 2010 Jake Bluff: Clovis Bison Hunting on the Southern Plains of North America. American Antiquity 75(4):907-933.
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