Astuti Yuni,Siti Aulia Febrianti ,Budhi Akbar ,Luthpi Safahi
Background: The ability to think analytically is one part of higher-order thinking skills, which should be owned by students according to the reference in the curriculum. Giving feedback is one of the efforts to support students' analytical thinking skills. Methods: The research used is Quasi-Experimental, with a Posttest-Only Control Design. The sampling technique used was Cluster Random Sampling. The research instrument was used through a test in the form of a description of 6 questions integrated into three indicators of analytical thinking ability (Differentiating, Attributing and Organizing). Results: showed that the average value of posttest analytical thinking ability in the experimental class was 63.67, which was greater than the control class, which was 56.63. Hypothesis testing through t-test at the 5% significance level obtained the value of tcount = 2.13 while ttable = 2.00, it is mean that tcount > ttable then H0 is rejected. Conclusions: The conclusion that can be formulated is that giving feedback has a significant effect on students' analytical thinking skills on the excretory system material, with the highest achievement indicator of analytical thinking ability achieved by indicators attributing.
University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Hamka (UHAMKA)
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