Mengukur Kemampuan Berpikir Analitis dan Keterampilan Proses Sains Mahasiswa Calon Guru Fisika STKIP Al Hikmah Surabaya


Hasyim Faiz


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan memetakan penguasaan kemampuan berpikir analitis dan keterampilan proses sains mahasiswa calon guru fisika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap mahasiswa calon guru fisika STKIP Al Hikmah Surabaya. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data kemampuan awal mahasiswa dan teknik tes kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan kemampuan berpikir analitis dan keterampilan proses sains mahasiswa calon guru fisika STKIP Al Hikmah Surabaya terbagi dalam tiga level yaitu level tinggi sebanyak 33%, level sedang sebanyak 50%, dan level rendah sebanyak 17%. Penguasaan keterampilan berpikir untuk masing-masing kriteria adalah satu kriteria berada pada kategori tinggi, dua kriteria berada pada kategori sedang, dan satu kriteria berada pada kategori rendah. Kata kunci: kemampuan berpikir analitis, keterampilan proses sains, mahasiswa calon guru fisika.   MEASURING PRE-SERVICE PHYSICS TEACHERS’ ANALYTICAL THINKING ABILITY AND SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS OF STKIP AL HIKMAH SURABAYA  Abstract This research is designed to classify pre-service physics teachers’ analytical thinking ability and science process skills. It is a descriptive qualitative research. This research was conducted on pre-service physics teachers of STKIP Al Hikmah Surabaya. Data collection technique used in this research was the result of students' pretest and test, afterwards the data were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. The result shows that the pre-service physics teachers’ analytical thinking ability and science process skills of STKIP Al Hikmah Surabaya is divided into three level, those are high level (33,3%), moderate level (50%), and low level (16,7%). The proficiency of thinking skill ability for each criterion is divided into three categories: first, a criterion is considered as high category; second, two criteria are considered as medium category; and third, one criterion is considered as low category. Keywords: analytical thinking ability, science process skills, pre-service physics teacher.


IKIP Veteran Semarang


General Medicine

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