Crime is an act with a penal sanction, and the heaviest sanction applied for crimes is the death penalty. The views on the death penalty, which has been widely used throughout history, have changed significantly with the development and progress of societies. While the death penalty was imposed on many criminal acts in the past, today the death penalty has been removed from the laws in many countries, especially in European countries.
The death penalty is one of the most controversial punishments, as it is a punishment that abolishes the right to life. Those who support the death penalty emphasize the deterrence of this punishment, while those who are against it emphasize the primitiveness of revenge and the sanctity of life.
The aim of this research is to examine different views on the death penalty and to examine the abolition of the death penalty in Turkey. In this context, the place of the death penalty in different cultures and religions, the advocating and opposing views of the death penalty are discussed together. In addition, the socio-cultural connections of the death penalty besides the criminal law have been tried to be explained.
Keywords: Right to life, death penalty, death penalty in Turkey
Akademik Dusunce Enstitusu
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