Argumentation can be defined as a process in which claim, data, justification and supports, which are considered the basic building blocks of an argument, are connected together in a meaningful way. Especially in Science Education, argumentation method is known to have positive contributions to the learning-teaching processes. Today, there is much opportunity to integrate digital tools or software in argumentation processes for better learning outcomes. The literature points out the difficulties experienced by teachers and learners in the argumentation processes and emphasizes that digital tools or software can offer solutions to these problems. In this context, a wide variety of software is used to support argumentation processes in education more effectively and easily. The aim of this study is to examine existing argumentation software and to determine the features of a new "E-Argumentation" software, which is supposed to be a better and contemporary solution for argumentation processes, based on a needs analysis.
Existing argumentation software is not rich in terms of multimedia usage and not compatible with group work, which is important in argumentation processes, or with three argumentation approaches in the literature. Furthermore, existing software has serious shortcomings in terms of usability and educational value. As a result, it is clear that there is a need for argumentation software which is compatible with current technologies, pedagogically useful, and has high level of usability and accessibility.
Gazi Egitim Faukeltesi Dergisi
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