Improving the Quality of Industrial Robot Control Using an Iterative Learning Method with Online Optimal Learning and Intelligent Online Learning Function Parameters


Ha Vo Thu1ORCID,Thuong Than Thi1ORCID,Vinh Vo Quang2


1. Department of Control and Automation, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Economics—Technology for Industries, Hanoi 11622, Vietnam

2. Faculty Control and Automation, Electric Power University, Hanoi 11917, Vietnam


It is inevitable that the characteristics of a robot system change inaccurately or cannot be accurately determined during movement and are affected by external disturbances. There are many adaptive control methods, such as the exact linearization method, sliding control, or neural control, to improve the quality of trajectory tracking for a robot’s motion system. However, those methods require a great deal of computation to solve the constrained nonlinear optimization problem. This article first presents some techniques for determining the online learning function parameters of an intelligent controller, including two circuits: the inner circuit is an uncertain function component estimator to compensate for the robot’s input, and the outer circuit is an iterative learning controller and does not use a mathematical model of the robot with optimal online learning function parameters. The optimal condition is based on the model in the time domain to determine the learning function parameters that change adaptively according to the sum of squared tracking errors of each loop. As for the intelligent online learning function parameters, they closely follow the general model to stabilize the robot system, based on the principle of intelligent estimation of the uncertainty component and total noise. This method is built on Taylor series analysis for the state vector and does not use a mathematical model of the system at all. It allows feedback linearization, as well as intelligent stabilization of the system. This article’s content uses a 2-DOF flat robot implemented on MatlabR2022b software to verify the theory. These findings indicate that superior tracking performance is achievable.



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