Probiotic Functional Yogurt: Challenges and Opportunities


de Souza Marinêz1,Drunkler Deisy Alessandra1,Colla Eliane1ORCID


1. Departamento de Alimentos, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Avenida Brasil, 4232, Bairro Independência, Medianeira 85884-000, PR, Brazil


This article aims to explore the challenges and opportunities inherent in producing probiotic functional yogurt through information on the benefits of consuming this food, emphasizing its nutritional characteristics and importance for health. It explains the advantages of regular consumption, including improved digestion, gastrointestinal health, immunity, and increased absorption of minerals. The discussion focuses on the perspectives within the production of functional probiotic yogurt, with emphasis on microbial dynamics, inhibition of undesirable microorganisms, and strategies to improve the quality of this product. It highlights the challenges in maintaining the viability of probiotics during production and storage, addressing factors such as pH, exposure to oxygen, temperature regulation, and interactions between strains and ingredients. Additionally, it highlights the integration of natural compounds in probiotic functional yogurt and their sensory impacts associated with health benefits. The article is a comprehensive overview that emphasizes the critical factors that influence the fermentation process of functional probiotic yogurt and the fundamental role of probiotic viability for consumer health.


Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior–Brazil




Plant Science,Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous),Food Science

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