ConvLSTM Network-Based Rainfall Nowcasting Method with Combined Reflectance and Radar-Retrieved Wind Field as Inputs


Liu Wan,Wang Yongqiang,Zhong Deyu,Xie ShuaiORCID,Xu Jijun


Strong convection nowcasting has been gaining importance in regional security, economic development, and water resource management. Rainfall nowcasting with strong timeliness needs to effectively forecast the intensity of rainfall in a local region in the short term. The forecast performance of traditional methods is limited. In this paper, a rainfall nowcasting model based on the Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (ConvLSTM) is proposed. Combined reflectance (CR) and the retrieved wind field are selected as the key factors for prediction. The model considers the influence of water vapor content, transport, and change on rainfall by measuring CR and the retrieved wind field. Forecast results are compared to different models and different input data schemes. The analysis shows that the CSI scores of this method can reach about 0.8, which is 28% higher than that of the optical flow method. The ConvLSTM structure with spatial analysis and time memory can greatly enhance the predictive ability of the model, and the addition of wind field data also improves the forecasting performance of the model. Therefore, the idea of forecasting rainfall on the basis of water vapor content and water vapor transport is practical and effective, and the accuracy of a forecast can be improved by using ConvLSTM network to extract spatiotemporal features.




Atmospheric Science,Environmental Science (miscellaneous)







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