Information communication technologies, as technologies of human relations (ICRT), are linked with pedagogical patterns. Co-design, as a dialogic, participatory, and relational process, leads task based Massive Open Online Course (tMOOC) to justify the use of ICRT for lifelong learning. From sociocultural constructivism principles, patterns offer possibilities for participation by collaborating with professionals (teachers, designers, researchers) and students. On this subject, patterns involve everyone in the learning scenario, transferring best practices in the pattern language. Applying triangulation as a methodology, we are focused on two aims: analyzing the documentation of pedagogical patterns as a technology of relation (O.1), and synthesizing the information according to tMOOC (O.2). Eleven documents are worked on, including scientific articles, research reports, and a conference paper. As a result, patterns are explored and described according to their processes, structures, modalities, methods, and resources. Finally, it is concluded that patterns underline collaborative tasks where the methodology based on design (IBL) is beneficial for the digital competence of educators. However, evaluative research directed to platforms in real contexts is necessary, attending to group management, metrics, and modeling.
Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities