Possibilities for Optimization of Industrial Alkaline Steeping of Wood-Based Cellulose Fibers


Fechter Catharina,Brelid Harald,Fischer Steffen


Steeping of cellulosic materials in aqueous solution of NaOH is a common pre-treatment in several industrial processes for production of cellulose-based products, including viscose fibers. This study investigated whether the span of commonly applied process settings has the potential for process optimization regarding purity, yield, and degree of transformation to alkali cellulose. A hardwood kraft dissolving pulp was extracted with 17–20 wt% aq. NaOH at 40−50 °C. The regenerated residue of the pulp was characterized regarding its chemical composition, molecular structure, and cellulose conformation. Yield was shown to be favored primarily by low temperature and secondly by high alkali concentration. Purity of xylan developed inversely. Both purity of xylan and yield varied over the applied span of settings to an extent which makes case-adapted process optimization meaningful. Decreasing the steeping temperature by 2 °C increased xylan content in the residue with 0.13%-units over the whole span of applied alkali concentrations, while yield increased by 0.15%-units when extracting with 17 wt% aq. NaOH, and by 0.20%-units when extracting with 20 wt%. Moreover, the yield-favoring conditions resulted in a narrower molecular weight distribution. The degree of transformation via alkali cellulose to cellulose II, as determined with Raman spectroscopy, was found to be high at all extraction settings applied.




Chemistry (miscellaneous),Analytical Chemistry,Organic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Molecular Medicine,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science

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