Molecular Recognition of Imidazole Derivatives by Co(III)-Porphyrins in Phosphate Buffer (pH = 7.4) and Cetylpyridinium Chloride Containing Solutions


Mamardashvili Galina,Kaigorodova Elena,Dmitrieva Olga,Koifman OscarORCID,Mamardashvili Nugzar


By means of spectrophotometric titration and NMR spectroscopy, the selective binding ability of the Co(III)-5,15-bis-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-10,20-bis-(4-sulfophenyl)porphyrin (Co(III)P1) and Co(III)-5,15-bis-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-10,20-bis-(4-sulfophenyl)porphyrin (Co(III)P2) towards imidazole derivatives of various nature (imidazole (L1), metronidazole (L2), and histamine (L3)) in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) has been studied. It was found that in the case of L2, L3 the binding of the “first” ligand molecule by porphyrinates Co(III)P1 and Co(III)P2 occurs with the formation of complexes with two binding sites (donor–acceptor bond at the center and hydrogen bond at the periphery of the macrocycle), while the “second” ligand molecule is added to the metalloporphyrin only due to the formation of the donor–acceptor bond at the macrocycle coordination center. The formation of stable complexes with two binding sites has been confirmed by density functional theory method (DFT) quantum chemical calculations and two-dimensional NMR experiments. It was shown that among the studied porphyrinates, Co(III)P2 is more selective towards to L1-L3 ligands, and localization of cobalt porphyrinates in cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) micelles does not prevent the studied imidazole derivatives reversible binding. The obtained materials can be used to develop effective receptors for recognition, delivery, and prolonged release of drug compounds to the sites of their functioning. Considering that cetylpyridinium chloride is a widely used cationic biocide as a disinfectant, the designed materials may also prove to be effective antimicrobial agents.


Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Russian Science Foundation




Chemistry (miscellaneous),Analytical Chemistry,Organic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Molecular Medicine,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science







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