1. Horns, D. (2019, October 10). Utah Lake Comprehensive Management Plan, Resource Document: Written for the Utah Division of Fire, Forestry, and Public Lands, Available online: https://geodata.geology.utah.gov/pages/download.php?direct=1&noattach=true&ref=4690&ext=pdf&k=.
2. (2019, December 12). Utah Lake TMDL: Pollutant Loading Assessment and Designated Beneficial Use Impairment Assessment (Final Draft), Available online: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/legacy/programs/water-quality/watersheds/docs/2009/02Feb/Final_Draft_Task2_Task3_Memo%20_08-01-07.pdf.
3. (2019, December 12). Utah Lake Master Plan, Available online: https://ffsl.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/UtahLakeMasterPlan6-26-09.pdf.
4. Toole, T.W. (2002). Utah Lake-Jordan River Watershed Management Unit Stream Assessment.
5. Wingert, S. (2008). Final Report: PCBs in Utah Lake Sediment Study.