Two Independent Light Dilution Corrections for the SO2 Camera Retrieve Comparable Emission Rates at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua


Varnam MatthewORCID,Burton Mike,Esse Ben,Salerno GiuseppeORCID,Kazahaya Ryunosuke,Ibarra Martha


SO2 cameras are able to measure rapid changes in volcanic emission rate but require accurate calibrations and corrections to convert optical depth images into slant column densities. We conducted a test at Masaya volcano of two SO2 camera calibration approaches, calibration cells and co-located spectrometer, and corrected both calibrations for light dilution, a process caused by light scattering between the plume and camera. We demonstrate an advancement on the image-based correction that allows the retrieval of the scattering efficiency across a 2D area of an SO2 camera image. When appropriately corrected for the dilution, we show that our two calibration approaches produce final calculated emission rates that agree with simultaneously measured traverse flux data and each other but highlight that the observed distribution of gas within the image is different. We demonstrate that traverses and SO2 camera techniques, when used together, generate better plume speed estimates for traverses and improved knowledge of wind direction for the camera, producing more reliable emission rates. We suggest combining traverses and the SO2 camera should be adopted where possible.


Natural Environment Research Council




General Earth and Planetary Sciences

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