Educator Feedback Skill Assessment: An Educational Survey Design Study


Moroz Alex,Stone Jennifer,Lopez Francis,Racine Cynthia,Carmody Kristin


Background: Delivering impactful feedback is a skill that is difficult to measure. To date there is no generalizable assessment instrument which measures the quality of medical education feedback. The purpose of the present study was to create an instrument for measuring educator feedback skills. Methods: Building on pilot work, we refined an assessment instrument and addressed content and construct validity using expert validation (qualitative and quantitative). This was followed by cognitive interviews of faculty from several clinical departments, which were transcribed and analyzed using ATLAS.ti qualitative software. A research team revised and improved the assessment instrument. Results: Expert validation and cognitive interviews resulted in the Educator Feedback Skills Assessment, a scale with 10 items and three response options for each. Conclusions: Building on the contemporary medical education literature and empiric pilot work, we created and refined an assessment instrument for measuring educator feedback skills. We also started the argument on validity and addressed content validity.


Berenstein Foundation and Program for Medical Education Innovations and Research



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