The recommendation of cultivars for a larger number of locations relies on similar agricultural environment or similar crop yield obtained in these locations. There are many studies on the impact of environmental conditions on the yield of cultivars of agricultural crops and recommendation for their cultivation. However, there is little research on triticale in comparison to other cereals. We presented the influence of the cultivar, location nested in region, year, and their interactions on triticale grain yield separately for two levels of crop management intensity. In this work, we checked compatibility in the rankings of cultivars between six regions and compatibility in the rankings of cultivars between locations belonging to the same region. The results indicated a large variation in the rankings of cultivars between locations in the regions, i.e., the ranking of cultivars in locations belonging to the same region was different. We observed low compatibility in rankings between locations for both crop management intensities. The low compatibility of cultivar rankings in trial locations also translates into low precision when determining regions. This means that the process of recommending cultivars to environments should be constantly checked and improved. In addition, using GGE biplot and measure of yield superiority (Pi) we presented an adaptive response of 12 cultivars in six regions at two levels of crop management intensity and their stability during five growing seasons.
Agronomy and Crop Science
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20 articles.