Compatibility between “Arbequina” and “Souri” Olive Cultivars May Increase Souri Fruit Set


Biton Iris,Many Yair,Mazen Ali,Ben-Ari Giora


The “Souri” olive cultivar, which is autochthonous to the eastern Mediterranean region, has been the major olive variety cultivated traditionally under rain-fed conditions in northern Israel. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal pollen donor for the olive cultivar Souri in order to maximize Souri fruit set. Artificial cross pollination of Souri flowers with several local varieties has identified the “Nabali” as the most efficient pollinizer of the Souri. However, further experiments using artificial cross pollination conducted with cultivars not common to this region have revealed the “Arbequina” as a more efficient pollinizer of the Souri cultivar than the Nabali. Based on a preliminary paternity analysis, the Nabali was identified as the dominant pollinizer of Souri trees in traditional olive orchards in the north of Israel. However, in a multi-variety orchard, molecular paternity analysis has shown Arbequina to be the most frequent pollinizer. We then tested, during two consecutive years, whether the presence of a pollen-producing Arbequina tree adjoining Souri trees in the field will increase their fruit set. We found that Souri fruit set was 8.36% when pollinized by an Arbequina tree in close proximity to them, significantly higher than the fruit set of 5.6% for Souri trees without the nearby Arbequina cultivar. On the basis of these trials, we expect that the yield of Souri orchards will improve if Arbequina trees are planted.


Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development




Agronomy and Crop Science







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