This article describes the utilization of (methoxy)poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(1,3-trimethylene carbonate) ((m)PEG–PTMC) diblock and triblock copolymers for the formulation of in situ forming depot long-acting injectables by solvent exchange. The results shown in this manuscript demonstrate that it is possible to achieve long-term drug deliveries from suspension formulations prepared with these copolymers, with release durations up to several months in vitro. The utilization of copolymers with different PEG and PTMC molecular weights affords to modulate the release profile and duration. A pharmacokinetic study in rats with meloxicam confirmed the feasibility of achieving at least 28 days of sustained delivery by using this technology while showing good local tolerability in the subcutaneous environment. The characterization of the depots at the end of the in vivo study suggests that the rapid phase exchange upon administration and the surface erosion of the resulting depots are driving the delivery kinetics from suspension formulations. Due to the widely accepted utilization of meloxicam as an analgesic drug for animal care, the results shown in this article are of special interest for the development of veterinary products aiming at a very long-term sustained delivery of this therapeutic molecule.
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