1. Lithium-Ion Battery Market with COVID-19 Impact Analysis, by Type (Li-NMC, LFP, LCO, LTO, LMO, NCA), Capacity, Voltage, Industry (Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Power, Industrial), & Region (North America, Europe, APAC & RoW)-Global Forecast to 2030https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/lithium-ion-battery-market-49714593.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw87SHBhBiEiwAukSeUblh3zFCdmNpxM0Ud0NEAmtCRiA3KOLthnKk27e1WeFHyW3g5ANIVhoCMccQAvD_BwE
2. Mineral commodity summaries 2020
3. Global Lithium Availability
4. Global lithium resources: Relative importance of pegmatite, brine and other deposits
5. Assessment of world lithium resources and consequences of their geographic distribution on the expected development of the electric vehicle industry