Enriching Roadside Safety Assessments Using LiDAR Technology: Disaggregate Collision-Level Data Fusion and Analysis


Gargoum Suliman,Karsten Lloyd,El-Basyouny Karim,Chen Xinyu


Fatalities and serious injuries still represent a significant portion of run-off-the-road (ROR) collisions on highways in North America. In order to address this issue and design safer and more forgiving roadside areas, more empirical evidence is required to understand the association between roadside elements and safety. The inability to gather that evidence has been attributed in many cases to limitations in data collection and data fusion capabilities. To help overcome such issues, this paper proposes using LiDAR datasets to extract the information required to analyze factors contributing to the severity of ROR collisions on a localized collision level. Specifically, the paper proposes a new method for extracting pole-like objects and tree canopies. Information about other roadside assets, including signposts, alignment attributes, and side slopes is also extracted from the LiDAR scans in a fully automated manner. The extracted information is then attached to individual collisions to perform a localized assessment. Logistic regression is then used to explore links between the extracted features and the severity of fixed-object collisions. The analysis is conducted on 80 km of roads from 10 different highways in Alberta, Canada. The results show that roadside attributes vary significantly for the different collisions along the 80 km analyzed, indicating the importance of utilizing LiDAR to extract such features on a disaggregate collision level. The regression results show that the steepness of side slopes and the offset of roadside objects had the most significant impacts on the severity of fixed-object collisions.




Computer Science Applications,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,General Materials Science,Building and Construction,Civil and Structural Engineering

Reference51 articles.

1. Alberta Traffic Collision Statistics 2016,2016

2. Run-Off-Road Crashes: An on-Scene Perspective;Liu,2011

3. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2011,2011

4. To illuminate or not to illuminate: Roadway lighting as it affects traffic safety at intersections

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