Exploring Change in Children’s and Art Therapists’ Behavior during ‘Images of Self’, an Art Therapy Program for Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Repeated Case Study Design


Schweizer Celine,Knorth Erik J.,Van Yperen Tom A.,Spreen Marinus


(1) Background: ‘Images of Self’ (IOS) is a recently developed and evaluated art therapy program of 15 sessions to reduce difficulties in ‘sense of self’, ‘emotion regulation’, ‘flexibility’, and ‘social behavior’ of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). In this paper, it is explored whether change in the child’s behaviors corresponds to the therapist’s actions during IOS and 15 weeks later. (2) Method: In a repeated case study design, twelve children and seven therapists participated. Art therapists monitored their own and the children’s behavior by applying two observation instruments: the OAT (Observation of a child with autism in Art Therapy) and EAT (Evaluation of Art Therapist’s behavior when working with a child with autism). Child behaviors during art making were—individually and as a group—compared with therapist’s actions at three moments during the program. (3) Results: Ten of twelve children showed a substantial or moderate positive behavior change considering all OAT subscales at the end of the program and 15 weeks after treatment. Improvement of ‘social behavior’ stood out. Halfway treatment art therapists most prominently showed support of ‘emotion regulation’, ‘flexibility’, and ‘social behavior’. Clear one-on-one relationships between changes in children’s behavior and actions of therapists could not be identified. (4) Conclusion: The study provides new insights in the AT treatment process by monitoring children’s and therapists’ behavior. The art making itself and the art therapy triangle (child, art making, therapist) offer opportunities to improve verbal and nonverbal communication skills of the child.




Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

Reference54 articles.

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2. Zorgstandaard Autisme [Care Standards Autism] https://www.ggzstandaarden.nl/zorgstandaarden/autisme

3. About Art Therapy https://www.arttherapy.org

4. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,2013

5. Art Therapy for Psychosocial Problems in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Narrative Review on Art Therapeutic Means and Forms of Expression, Therapist Behavior, and Supposed Mechanisms of Change

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