Common Sea Star (Asterias rubens) Coelomic Fluid Changes in Response to Short-Term Exposure to Environmental Stressors


Wahltinez Sarah J.ORCID,Kroll Kevin J.,Behringer Donald C.ORCID,Arnold Jill E.,Whitaker Brent,Newton Alisa L.,Edmiston Kristina,Hewson Ian,Stacy Nicole I.ORCID


Common sea stars (Asterias rubens) are at risk of physiological stress and decline with projected shifts in oceanic conditions. This study assessed changes in coelomic fluid (CF) blood gases, electrolytes, osmolality, and coelomocyte counts in adult common sea stars after exposure to stressors mimicking effects from climate change for 14 days, including decreased pH (−0.4 units, mean: 7.37), hypoxia (target dissolved oxygen ~1.75 mg O2/L, mean: 1.80 mg O2/L), or increased temperature (+10 °C, mean: 17.2 °C) and compared sea star CF electrolytes and osmolality to tank water. Changes in CF blood gases, electrolytes, and/or coelomocyte counts occurred in all treatment groups after stressor exposures, indicating adverse systemic effects with evidence of increased energy expenditure, respiratory or metabolic derangements, and immunosuppression or inflammation. At baseline, CF potassium and osmolality of all groups combined were significantly higher than tank water, and, after exposures, CF potassium was significantly higher in the hypoxia group as compared to tank water. These findings indicate physiological challenges for A. rubens after stressor exposures and, given increased observations of sea star wasting events globally, this provides evidence that sea stars as a broad group are particularly vulnerable to changing oceans.


American Association of Zoo Veterinarians




Ecology,Aquatic Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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