A Qualitative Assessment of the Deployment of Zero-Emission Heavy-Duty Trucks in Logistics—Deriving Recommendations for Action from a Socio-Technical Approach on the Regional Level


Müller Christoph


Although different European and national policies have set targets for a shift from fossil fuels to zero-emission heavy-duty trucks in the transport sector, their share is still rather low and mainly on a project level. The process of changing human perception in freight transport goes beyond the often discussed technical or economical aspects and demands research activities and perspectives from different stakeholders. Therefore, this paper delivers a stakeholder analysis together with a qualitative comprehensive analysis from different perspectives. It reveals the influence and importance as well as the general attitude of identified stakeholders concerning zero-emission heavy-duty trucks in logistics on a regional level in order to identify changes and barriers and to derive recommendations for action. The carried out socio-technical approach uses and adapts existing and approved scientific approaches with the general aim of creating a holistic assessment to accompany the development and implementation of zero-emission drive-systems in the transport sector.


Linz Institute of Technology (LIT) Future Energy Lab of the Johannes Kepler University Linz

Government of Upper Austria

Energieinstitut at the Johannes Kepler University Linz




General Medicine

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