RST: Rough Set Transformer for Point Cloud Learning


Sun Xinwei1,Zeng Kai1


1. Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China


Point cloud data generated by LiDAR sensors play a critical role in 3D sensing systems, with applications encompassing object classification, part segmentation, and point cloud recognition. Leveraging the global learning capacity of dot product attention, transformers have recently exhibited outstanding performance in point cloud learning tasks. Nevertheless, existing transformer models inadequately address the challenges posed by uncertainty features in point clouds, which can introduce errors in the dot product attention mechanism. In response to this, our study introduces a novel global guidance approach to tolerate uncertainty and provide a more reliable guidance. We redefine the granulation and lower-approximation operators based on neighborhood rough set theory. Furthermore, we introduce a rough set-based attention mechanism tailored for point cloud data and present the rough set transformer (RST) network. Our approach utilizes granulation concepts derived from token clusters, enabling us to explore relationships between concepts from an approximation perspective, rather than relying on specific dot product functions. Empirically, our work represents the pioneering fusion of rough set theory and transformer networks for point cloud learning. Our experimental results, including point cloud classification and segmentation tasks, demonstrate the superior performance of our method. Our method establishes concepts based on granulation generated from clusters of tokens. Subsequently, relationships between concepts can be explored from an approximation perspective, instead of relying on specific dot product or addition functions. Empirically, our work represents the pioneering fusion of rough set theory and transformer networks for point cloud learning. Our experimental results, including point cloud classification and segmentation tasks, demonstrate the superior performance of our method.


Major Science and Technology Projects in Yunnan Province

Yunnan Fundamental Research Projects

Kunming University of Science and Technology




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Biochemistry,Instrumentation,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Analytical Chemistry

Reference38 articles.







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