A New Moment-Resisting Glulam Beam-End Connection Utilizing Mechanically Fastened Steel Rods—An Experimental Study


Hubbard Cory1ORCID,Salem Osama (Sam)1ORCID


1. Department of Civil Engineering, Lakehead University, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1, Canada


A new moment-resisting mass timber connection was designed based on the principles of force equilibrium in applied mechanics. The connection configuration utilizing two mechanically fastened threaded steel rods embedded into the end of a glulam beam section was experimentally investigated in this study. A gradually increasing transverse load was applied to the free end of a cantilevered beam, causing a bending moment on the beam-end connection until failure. Four different connection configurations were examined, each replicated twice to verify results. The beam connection parameters investigated were rod anchorage length (200 and 250 mm) and square washer size (38.1 and 50.8 mm). Test results show that increasing the washer size increased the connection bending strength by increments more significantly than those due to increasing the rod anchorage length. However, the connection configurations with the smaller-size washer, which failed mainly due to wood crushing under the washer, had higher ductility ratios than those with the larger-size washer, which failed due to steel rod yielding. In a real-life scenario, a structural element such as a glulam beam is usually loaded to approximately 50% to 70% of its design capacity, considering a reasonable margin of safety. The study estimates a maximum possible bending moment utilization factor for the strongest connection configuration that ranged between 34% and 48% compared to the maximum moment resistance of a supported glulam beam spanning an average length of 4.0 m to 6.0 m (a common span length in framed timber buildings) and has a cross-section size same as the one utilized in this study. This utilization factor is quite large for a timber connection, and thus, confirms a considerable moment-resisting capability of the new configuration developed in this study.


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada










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