This study aimed to improve the seed quality during the deterioration period of rough rice (Oryza sativa L.), cultivar ‘Khoa Dawk Mali 105’ (KDML 105), using an automatic soaking and germination accelerator unit (ASGA) together with stimulation via infrared radiation treatment (IRT) to stimulate seed quality (germination rate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) content). This study used a general full factorial design, and the independent variables were the storage period (10, 11 and 12 months), methods of germinated rough rice preparation (conventional method (CM) and an automatic soaking and germination accelerator unit (ASGA)), and stimulation with IRT. The initial grain moisture content did not exceed 14% (wet basis (wb)). The germination rate of the rough rice by CM and ASGA with stimulation with IRT was significantly higher than non-stimulated rice, by 6.56 and 8.11%, respectively, in each storage period. The GABA contents of the germinated rough rice using CM and ASGA stimulated with IRT were significantly higher than ungerminated rough rice, by 19.52 and 21.24% (10 months), respectively; 16.36 and 23.58% (11 months), respectively; and 69.88 and 67.69% (12 months), respectively.
Faculty of Engineering Mahasarakham University