Impact of Dynamic Emission Factors of the German Electricity Mix on the Greenhouse Gas Balance in Building Operation


Hepf ChristianORCID,Bausch Konstantin,Lauss Lukas,Koth Sebastian ClarkORCID,Auer ThomasORCID


Due to climate change, emission balancing is a relevant tool to quantify the environmental impact of a building system. The electrification of energy production at a national level, as well as energy supply at a building level, shifts the focus to the emission factor (EF) of the electricity grid. Currently, static EFs are used for calculating the emission balance. However, the electricity grid already shows fluctuations in power generation and EF due to renewable energies. The paper reviews recent literature outlining the research gap and presents the development of a simulation setup and concept, in which the emission balance of the building operation changes, using dynamic EFs that map fluctuations at an hourly resolution. In the first step, we simulate the thermal building and radiance performance. The data are than used in a second step to conduct a system simulation, which analyzes the effects of the dynamic EFs. The results show that the dynamic balance approach for different building system variants deviates considerably from the static approach. By comparing different concepts for the loading strategy, the predictive strategy outperforms a common control strategy, when considering the energy prices and/or the emissions. This is especially true for systems with inert storage units, where charging times significantly influence the balance, as well as for systems with PV integration. This paper outlines the potential of the EFs-optimized control increases when evaluating a potential scenario for the year 2040, factoring in increased seasonal and daily fluctuations in electricity generation.




Building and Construction,Civil and Structural Engineering,Architecture

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