Transforming Linear Production Chains into Circular Value Extended Systems


Scheel Carlos,Bello BernardoORCID


Different schools of thought, theories, and concepts have been developed to diminish the social and environmental impact that the take–make–dispose linear economic model has produced. Such is the case of industrial ecology (IE) and circular economy (CE). However, the principles and guidelines in IE literature are focused more on resource efficiency without considering the social externalities. In the same sense, CE literature has not brought clear guidance about how to circularize linear businesses and is mainly focused on recycling strategies, which could be the least profitable and attractive option among the circular business models (CBM). Based on the sustainable wealth creation through disruptive innovation and enabling technologies (SWIT) framework and the business model framework, we have developed a roadmap to transform linear value chains into an industrial ecology cluster of zero-waste chains and enabling institutions called a circular value extended system (CVES), which is able to exploit non-usual business opportunities of waste and residue revaluation. This systemic approach opens the possibilities of creating a socially inclusive, environmentally resilient, and economically viable system of capital. A case study is presented to clarify the design process and application of the framework. Our contribution entails guidelines to transform linear value chains into a cluster of circular economy systems capable of producing sustainable increasing returns to benefit multiple regional stakeholders.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development

Reference64 articles.

1. National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts

2. A Handbook of Industrial Ecology;Ayres,2002

3. INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS: Literature and Taxonomy

4. Industrial Symbiosis in Kalundborg, Denmark: A Quantitative Assessment of Economic and Environmental Aspects

5. Industrial Symbiosis in China: A Case Study of the Guitang Group

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