1. On the Approval of the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the Introduction of Martial Law in Ukraine”: Law of Ukraine from 24 February 2022, No. 2102. Database “Legislation of Ukraine”/Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
2. U Natsbanku Poiasnyly, Chomu Ukraini Treba Hotuvatysia Do Vazhkykh Ekonomichnykh Stsenariiv [The National Bank Explained Why Ukraine Should Prepare for Difficult Economic Scenarios]
3. Voienni Finansy: Shcho Povynna Robyty Derzhava? [Military Finance: What the State Should Do?]
4. Derzhborh Ukrainy u 2022 Rotsi Mozhe Dosiahty 86.2% VVP-MVF [The National Debt of Ukraine May Reach 86.2% of GDP in 2022-IMF]
5. Banky Cherez Viinu Vtratiat Minimum 20% Kredytnoho Portfelia [Banks Will Lose at Least 20% of Their Loan Portfolio Due to the War]