Tokenization in the Theory of Knowledge


Friedman Robert1ORCID


1. Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, USA


Tokenization is a procedure for recovering the elements of interest in a sequence of data. This term is commonly used to describe an initial step in the processing of programming languages, and also for the preparation of input data in the case of artificial neural networks; however, it is a generalizable concept that applies to reducing a complex form to its basic elements, whether in the context of computer science or in natural processes. In this entry, the general concept of a token and its attributes are defined, along with its role in different contexts, such as deep learning methods. Included here are suggestions for further theoretical and empirical analysis of tokenization, particularly regarding its use in deep learning, as it is a rate-limiting step and a possible bottleneck when the results do not meet expectations.




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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