New FMEA Risks Ranking Approach Utilizing Four Fuzzy Logic Systems


Ivančan Jelena,Lisjak Dragutin


Process equipment and plant maintenance problems are complex in the oil refinery business, since effective maintenance needs to ensure the reliability and availability of the plant. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a risk assessment tool that aims to determine possible failure modes, and to reduce the ratio of unknown failure modes, by identifying business-critical systems and the risks of their failures. For the identified failure modes, FMEA determines risk mitigation action(s). The goal is to prevent failure and keep assets and plants running at peak performance by providing fully integrated operations, maintenance, turnarounds, modifications, and asset integrity solutions, during all phases of the asset life cycle. This research was based on FMEA use/application in refineries’ units, and proposes the new fuzzy FMEA risk quantification approach method: “four fuzzy logic system”. The model included a pre-assessment, by sets of fuzzy logic systems, that examined the input parameters that affected the variables of severity, occurrence, and detectability. The proposed model prioritized risks better and addressed the drawbacks of the conventional FMEA method.




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Control and Optimization,Mechanical Engineering,Computer Science (miscellaneous),Control and Systems Engineering

Reference37 articles.

1. 14:00–17:00, “ISO Guide 73:2009 Risk Management—Vocabulary

2. Facility Integrity Management: Effective Principles and Practices for the Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Industries;Deighton,2016

3. ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management—Principles and Guidelines,2009

4. Effective FMEAs: Achieving Safe, Reliable, and Economical Products and Processes Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis;Carlson,2012

5. A Reliability-Centered Maintenance Study for an Individual Section-Forming Machine

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