The European chestnut characterizes both the landscape and economy of mountainous Italian areas. In recent years, new canopy disorders have been reported: “chestnut yellows”, often ascribed to phytoplasma and/or nutrient deficiency, and “chestnut mosaic”, associated with a virus (ChMV). Therefore, research was carried out in four Italian regions to describe the two symptomatic frames and assess their etiology. Surveys were conducted on 101 chestnut trees (23 with mosaic, 38 with yellowing, and 40 without symptoms). The phytosanitary status was monitored, and the new canopy disorders were detected, distinguishing between yellowing and mosaic. Moreover, leaf samples were collected for molecular and nutrient analyses. No phytoplasma infection was recorded, while ChMV was detected in 91.3% of samples with mosaic symptoms, 31.6% of yellowing samples, and 30.0% of asymptomatic samples. Yellowing was associated with Mn deficiency. On the other hand, ChMV-infected and healthy leaves had similar mineral contents, showing that mosaic symptoms are induced by the virus. Both disorders negatively affected photosynthesis efficiency. These phytosanitary problems are present in Italian chestnut woods and cause local effects, and a relationship with other biotic and abiotic factors can be hypothesized. Considering the increase in new records, these symptoms represent an emerging issue whose impact and spread need to be further monitored.
UNIVPM project “Emergent disease for plant forests”