Brake Torque Sensor Calibration Device


Kowalski Sławomir1ORCID,Barta Dalibor2ORCID,Dižo Ján2ORCID,Dittrich Aleš3ORCID


1. Faculty of Engineering Sciences, State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sącz, 1a Zamenhofa Street, 33-300 Nowy Sącz, Poland

2. Department of Transport and Handling Machines, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zilina, Univerzitná 1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia

3. Department of Vehicles and Engines, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Liberec, Studentská 1402, 46117 Liberec, Czech Republic


This paper deals with the design of a calibration device for measuring the residual torque of the vehicle brake. It informs about the problems and purpose of the brakes, requirements placed on the brake system, and the design of vehicle brake systems. The practical part of the research contains the design of four versions of the calibration device and the 3D model of the proposed calibration device. There is also a new calibration methodology and calculation of the theoretical fault of the calibration device. An analysis and comparison of the original and new torque sensor calibration methods are presented at the end of this paper. By comparing the original and new calibration methods, it was revealed that the deviations from the required torque value compared to the original calibration version decreased from an average value of 0.154 Nm to 0.0047 Nm, and the variance of the measured values decreased on average from 0.00276 Nm to 2.07 × 10−6 Nm. The proposed new torque sensor calibration method has shown a positive contribution to the accuracy of torque sensor calibration, which as a result will significantly increase the reliability and accuracy of measuring the residual torque of automobile brakes and shorten the measurement time.









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